Legends of Tomorrow Here I Go Again Entertainment

Invitee Starring John Noble

Welp, pitiful for the tardily recap. I was stuck in a fourth dimension loop.

Okay, I wasn't. (I was stuck in the Land of No Wi-fi.) But anyway, what a fun episode, guys! Time loop episodes tin can exist hit or miss depending on the character(s) stuck in the time loop and the stakes, but Legends pulled this one off nicely with some overdue graphic symbol work for Zari and a fun twist that gave the bottle episode a lively experience.

Here in — as Nate points out over and over once more — Groundhog Solar day set aboard the Waverider, Zari is the haughty misfit who wishes she didn't accept to do what she's told aboard the ship. She argues with Sara when the captain returns; while the team was away fixing Waterloo, Zari was supposed to practice some routine maintenance, but instead uploaded her own simulation software into Gideon, which results in Gideon crashing. Zari did it for selfish, though well-meaning reasons: She wanted to utilise the simulation software to find loopholes in history similar the i she used to save Helen of Troy, and so she can exploit one that may help her save her brother and the dystopian hell of 2042.

Annoyed, Sara tells Zari to get back to fixing the ship, but Zari simply scoffs, reminding Sara that she'due south not really a part of the team. Even when she returns to working on the ship, she can't help but toss in some jabs at Sara and, distracted, ends upwardly removing a tube that spurts glowing green liquid in her confront. But as that happens, the ship begins rumbling, and an explosion engulfs Zari and everyone on lath…

…And the time loop fun begins! If y'all've seen Groundhog Day, Edge of Tomorrow, or, I don't know, those special episodes of The X-Files or Supernatural or that Taye Diggs serial Mean solar day Break (RIP), you know how this goes: During Zari's kickoff trip around fourth dimension, she'due south dislocated, so she goes on a fact-finding mission of sorts. None of the other Legends appear to know what's going on or have always experienced deja vu like the sort she'southward talking nearly, and so she just thinks she's going a little loopy. But then — mamma mia! — the explosion happens again…

…And things go a niggling worse each time. When she starts voicing that she's trapped, Ray takes her to the med bay and sedates her over and once more. At least she'south picking upwards fiddling clues each time: She always notices that Ray trips when he tries to stop her from fighting Sara, she picks up on Nate and Amaya'south relationship — and the fact that they had sex while on their last mission — and she figures out that Ray's probably hiding something, which is why he'due south and so nervous around Sara.

Finally, she develops a tolerance to Ray's allaying, and stumbles into Nate, who believes her because he'southward a huge Bill Murray fan. He tells her that in the next time loop, she should notice him and reference Groundhog Day so he'll empathise and help her from the start. She screws upwards at first — "Hedgehog Mean solar day" doesn't exist in any time catamenia, Zari! — simply eventually the two are able to, loop after loop, investigate the flop, especially later Zari figures out that Nate and Amaya have been erasing their own memories to get rid of their guilt. They assume that someone on board must set information technology off, and start by looking into Mick, who's suspiciously doing laundry.

Turns out he's non doing anything wrong, though. When Zari and Nate investigate his booby trap-filled room, what they find is a safe containing the manuscript for his sci-fi romance novel that…isn't that bad, really, as Zari finds out afterwards spending loops upon loops reading the whole matter. Simply I'thousand getting alee of myself: With Mick in the articulate, Zari and Nate move on to investigate Ray and why he's being so skittish around Sara. Ray ends upward telling them immediately well-nigh his puzzler. In the concluding episode, as Constantine was leaving, he told Ray that if Mallus takes over Sara once more, they'll have to kill her — and and then, Ray's been doing his best to keep their captain happy and calm, whether that means making her tea or forcing Zari to listen to her every order. And then…Ray'southward not doing anything shady or planting whatsoever bombs.

Which means the last person they need to investigate is the helm herself. Zari and Ray shrink to follow Sara into the jump ship, where she works on a crossword puzzle and has a very beautiful conversation with Agent Sharpe. Sara vents at offset about how difficult it is to work with Zari, but then explains that she'd rather not look into loopholes in history, because she'll just become obsessed with saving her sister again, which, take it from previous seasons in the Berlantiverse, would just drive her crazy. Thrown past this confession, Zari starts talking to Ray, Sara hears them, assumes they're a fly, so smushes poor Ray with a whip of her paper.

Dismayed to find that all of the Legends are doing their jobs and in that location'south nobody planting any bombs, Zari resorts to following Nate'south advice and just enjoying herself for the side by side few loops. She tries on costumes — including Hawkgirl'due south helmet — initiates snowball fights with Mick, and even learns to play a Stradivarius violin, merely eventually, she'southward bored and tired and depressed from dying over and over over again, even if she's checked off everything she tin can think of on her Waverider bucket list. Finally, she cracks and cries almost the loop to Sara — and Sara, being a skilful captain, tells her she'll assist her find the bomb. (Adjacent: Gary?!)

On Sara's orders, the team gathers in the kitchen to figure out a plan. Over the form of the loops, Zari had already checked every inch of the Waverider — simply when Mick tries to toss out a beer bottle only to have it flung back out at him, they realize they never checked the trash compactor. When they do, they open it to detect…Gary, the nerdy Fourth dimension Agency agent with a penchant for screwing upwards.

But he'due south not the 1 who planted the bomb; instead, he's the one who initiated the time loop so ane of the Legends could effigy out a mode to save themselves. Mick, though, gets too eager and ends up great Gary's time loop device, forcing the rest of the squad to scramble and find the bomb in the next few minutes.

Luckily, when they're back on the bridge, Zari realizes the ane thing she didn't await at: the anachronism the team picked up from their last mission, the cassette player that got that one vocal stuck in Mick's caput. But without a way to toss it off the ship — Gideon'south still down — and not enough time to defuse the bomb itself or rework it, Zari takes it within the force field and decides to cede herself and her totem to protect the team. Encounter, during all her time loops, she'south gotten to know each of the Legends, and she's finally come to understand, to like, and to consider them as her family. And in her final minutes, she gives each of them a meaningful message. (Except for Gary, considering he'south not a Legend.) She advises Ray to come up clean almost what Constantine told him, Sara to enquire Sharpe out, Mick to keep writing, and Amaya and Nate to just accept their feelings. And and then she activates her totem, the bomb counts down, and…

Nothing explodes. Zari opens her eyes to find herself alone, except for a stranger who applauds what she simply did. The stranger is Gideon — nosotros've met her in the "mankind" earlier — and Gideon explains it all. Zari hasn't been stuck in a time loop; her consciousness has merely been in the simulation software she uploaded to Gideon, considering Gideon was able to migrate her heed into her matrix, while Zari'southward body has been healing in the med bay after she got hit past the fluid that powers the send.

Yes, it's a lot — simply Zari'south just happy to know everyone'south okay. Gideon reveals that through the simulator, she realized Zari could but save 2042 with the help of the remainder of the team, and that Gideon had to find a way to help Zari understand how essential she is to the Legends as well equally how the Legends are the only ones who can assistance her likewise. Gideon did and so past using what she knew to exist truthful well-nigh the Legends; after all, equally an A.I., she's been able to report and watch how the Legends interact, which is how she was able to arts and crafts a story around Zari. Is it a little creepy? Sure, but information technology's likewise kind of sweetness.

In the end, Zari wakes upward, tries to explain everything, and manages to convince the team that she'due south telling the truth of what she went through with Gideon by having Ray reveal to Sara his secret. And Sara, seeing how changed Zari is, invites her to java. Over the drinks, Sara tells Zari that she has been thinking of a manner to save Zari'south brother, because maybe at that place'south a way to change Zari'southward past seeing every bit it'southward in Sara'southward future. (Key give-and-take: maybe.) Zari toasts Sara and calls her captain, and then moves on to tell each of the Legends what she'd already told them in the simulation, only now in existent life. She tells Amaya and Nate to terminate Eternal Sunshine-ing each other's memories, suggests to Mick a new ending for his novel, and then tries to play the violin — and discovers she notwithstanding can.

A sugariness montage of the team's members working on their own follows — until the last scene finally takes us away from the ship and all the way to China, in the Yunnan Province in 2018. There, Wally West (special guest star and new series regular Keiynan Lonsdale) meditates in a pagoda, only to exist interrupted by Time Bureau amanuensis/founder gone rogue Rip Hunter, who says he needs Wally'south help saving the universe. Ah, just what a man in the middle of a meditation session needs to hear.

Episode Recaps

Guest Starring John Noble

DC'southward Legends of Tomorrow

Led by White Canary, a band of superhero misfits defend the time stream with an assortment of wacky threats in the fourth Arrowverse series.

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Source: https://ew.com/recap/legends-of-tomorrow-season-3-episode-11/

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