What Happens to the Dragons in Game of Thrones

"Mathash cha yeng nosotros yedhrol. Ye sovla. Nosotros shindhol shpa chnyeny.
(He came from the heaven. The black one. The winged shadow.)
―The Goatherd [src]

Drogon is one of the three dragons born in the wastelands beyond Lhazar, along with his brothers Rhaegal and Viserion. He is named afterward Daenerys's late hubby Khal Drogo. He can be distinguished by his black and crimson colored scales, and ruby-blackness wings. He was also Daenerys'south personal mount. With the deaths of Viserion and Rhaegal, Drogon is currently the last of his brothers, hence the merely known living dragon in existence.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Season 1
    • 1.2 Season 2
    • 1.iii Season 3
    • 1.four Season four
    • one.5 Season 5
    • 1.vi Season 6
    • i.vii Season 7
    • 1.viii Season 8
  • two Personality and traits
  • 3 Appearances
  • iv Gallery
  • five In the books
  • 6 See also
  • 7 References


Season 1

Drogon, the left, blackness dragon egg.

Daenerys is given three dragons eggs by Magister Illyrio Mopatis on the occasion of her hymeneals to Khal Drogo.[2] She is drawn to these eggs and always keeps them in a chest with her. Viserys tries to steal them but is stopped by Ser Jorah Mormont.[3]

Drogon is born forth with his two brothers afterwards Daenerys has their eggs placed on the funeral pyre erected for her deceased married man, Khal Drogo. Every bit she rises unharmed from the ashes of the pyre on the forenoon following the funeral, he climbs on her shoulder and lets out a powerful scream, announcing the return of dragons to the world.[iv]

Flavor 2

Drogon, breathing burn down for the outset time.

As her small khalasar travels eastward, Daenerys tries to get Drogon to eat, but he refuses the raw meat she offers, just as his brothers do.[5] Later, while Daenerys is staying at Qarth, she teaches Drogon to exhale burn for the starting time time, roasting a small piece of meat, which he then eats. Doreah plays with him but Daenerys tells her to let him slumber, telling Doreah that Drogon loves her.[6] Later, Drogon and his brothers are kidnapped to the panic of Daenerys.[7] In a meeting with the Thirteen, Pyat Pree, a warlock, reveals he has taken them to the House of the Undying and claims that he is eager to reunite Daenerys with her children.[8]

Subsequently Daenerys enters the Firm of the Undying, she eventually finds her iii dragons chained to a small belvedere. Pyat Pree suddenly appears and chains Daenerys with magic, maxim that her dragons brand his magic stiff, that she makes the dragons stronger, and thus she must stay in the House of the Undying forever.

Daenerys and her dragons employ burn to kill and escape Pyat.

An unconcerned Daenerys whispers "dracarys" to Drogon, and after a couple of tries, he spits a large plume of fire at Pyat, igniting the warlock's robes. The other 2 dragons follow their brother's lead and the three of them burn down Pyat Pree alive, free themselves and Daenerys from their chains, and set the Firm of the Undying alight.

Season 3

Drogon has grown significantly since leaving Qarth, and is nearly the size of a pocket-size dog by the time Daenerys and her party reach Astapor. He swoops into the water and catches a fish, which he so cooks in mid-air and devours. Daenerys notes that he is not growing fast enough for her to employ him to conquer the Vii Kingdoms in the firsthand time to come.

At Slaver'south Bay, she speaks with Kraznys mo Nakloz, as they attempt to work out a deal for his slave soldiers, the Unsullied. Daenerys says she will take all viii thousand Unsullied, including those in training. To this Kraznys laughs at her and says fifty-fifty with the wealth she possesses she could afford inappreciably over i hundred Unsullied. Daenerys surprises him past reminding him she has Dragons, and she volition give him one. They strike a bargain that she may have all the Unsullied, as well every bit those still in preparation, in exchange for her biggest dragon.

Drogon burns Kraznys during the Sack of Astapor.

Old afterwards the exchange is fabricated, and Daenerys meets with the Good Masters and gives the chained Drogon over to Kraznys, who in turn gives her the gilt scourge which signifies accented authority over the Unsullied. Once the Unsullied are nether her control, Kraznys angrily comments that Drogon does non obey him, to which she responds, in Valyrian, that he does not obey because dragons are not slaves. Daenerys orders Kraznys's decease with a harsh "dracarys." Drogon and so takes flight and strafes the guards and Adept Masters in the walls above the plaza.

After the Sack of Astapor is finished, Daenerys's khalasar and her new Unsullied army march out of the metropolis, with Drogon and his brothers flight overhead.

Daenerys marches forrad with her army and dragons.

Drogon and his brothers are present in Daenerys's tent when a Wise Master from Yunkai arrives to entreat with their female parent. Drogon, at present about the size of a big domestic dog, aggressively barks at the Principal when he gets too close to Daenerys. Afterwards, the Wise Master has two slaves identify a chest full of gold virtually Drogon. While the two talk, Daenerys throws a piece of meat to Viserion, and Drogon attempts to steal it from his blood brother. When the negotiation goes sour, Drogon growls at the Wise Master for threatening Daenerys. Scared for his safety, the Wise Primary tells his slaves to take back the aureate and leave. Drogon stops them in their tracks, hissing, and growling.

Season iv

Drogon snarls a warning at his mother when she tries to interrupt his feeding.

Drogon and his brothers are at present the size of pocket-sized horses. He quietly rests his head on his mother's lap equally she caresses him. When his two brothers come dorsum with a dead lamb, he joins the fight over the carcass. His mother tries to calm him downwards, and without warning, Drogon snaps at her with a hiss; a warning to not interfere. He then roars and goes to contest the impale. Daenerys is shaken, fearing that she is losing influence over her "children", as dragons can never be truly tamed.[9]

Drogon preys on goats to feed nigh Meereen.

Following Daenerys'south conquest of Meereen, Drogon, who is at present the size of a modest ship, kills and eats the goats of a local goatherd. The goatherd lays the charred bones of his flock earlier Daenerys in her throne room, hoping he has non angered the new queen and that this was a form of punishment. Daenerys apologizes for Drogon's deportment and promises to pay the goat herder back iii times the worth of his lost goats.[10]

Dany is afterwards dismayed to larn that Drogon has killed the young girl of some other goatherd. She tearfully confines the two smaller dragons to the catacombs of the pyramid while Drogon remains at large, having last been seen over the Blackness Cliffs.[11]

Flavour 5

Drogon returns to his female parent.

Daenerys confides in Daario Naharis that she has no idea where Drogon has flown off to.[12]

Later on the public execution of Mossador, Daenerys encounters an even further grown Drogon, who has become the size of an elephant, on top of the Great Pyramid. She reaches out to him, simply Drogon flies away at the last moment.[13]

Drogon patently flew west, eventually winding up roving the skies above the shattered ruins of the Valyrian Peninsula, where he was glimpsed past Jorah Mormont and Tyrion Lannister, who were traveling through the region to avert pirates. Massive and purple, Drogon'southward unexpected appearance rendered the typically communicative Tyrion speechless and seeing him over again also enraptures Jorah. Drogon'southward flight, unfortunately, distracted the pair long enough for them to be attacked by Stone Men.[xiv]

Drogon defends Daenerys Targaryen in Daznak's Pit.

While Daenerys attends the chiliad re-opening of the fighting pits at the Great Pit of Daznak, a large group of Sons of the Harpy appear and attack her council and the spectators. While trying to escape, Dany and her small grouping become surrounded by the Sons with no take chances of escape. Drogon suddenly appears, flying out of a flame burst and begins to assail, burning the Sons with his fiery jiff and crushing them in his massive jaws. Temporarily retreating in terror, the Sons regroup and retaliate by throwing spears at Drogon, wounding him slightly. Dany pulls a spear from Drogon'southward cervix, then climbs on his back to remove another one. She commands him to fly away, and he does so, with Dany on his back.[15]

Later, Drogon lands atop an impressive hill in a bounding main of dark-green grass. Though Dany tries to convince him to take her back to Meereen, Drogon is still recovering from his wounds and is uninterested in flight back. Daenerys wanders away to find something to consume, but she is chop-chop surrounded by a Dothraki khalasar.[16]

Season half-dozen

Dany rides Drogon.

At some bespeak post-obit Daenerys's takeover of the Dothraki, she senses Drogon abaft her. She slips away and rides him around the khalasar before landing and giving a rousing oral communication while mounted on his dorsum.[17] He is significantly larger than he was during the battle in Meereen. Eventually, Drogon carries Dany to the Great Pyramid of Meereen, which is under siege past the Masters.[xviii]

Drogon and his siblings follow the fleet to Westeros.

Daenerys discusses terms of surrender of the masters in Meereen. The masters foolishly mention slaughtering the dragons, which angers their mother. Drogon suddenly appears, lands next to her, and moves one of his wings assuasive her to mount his dorsum. As Drogon takes flight, Viserion and Rhaegal interruption out of the catacombs and bring together their brother in the sky at last. At Dany's command of "dracarys", Drogon leads his brothers in immolating a few ships of the slaver fleet with dragon fire, decisively ending the 2nd Siege of Meereen.[nineteen]

Old later, Drogon and his brothers accompany their mother and her large army on a voyage to retake Westeros by soaring in a higher place the fleet.[20]

Season seven

Drogon and his brothers wing ahead of their mother as she lands on Dragonstone. They investigate the island as Daenerys enters and secures the castle.[21]

Upon Jon Snow'due south arrival at Dragonstone, Drogon and his brothers fly overhead, startling and frightening both him and Davos. Tyrion and so comments that he himself has non yet get used to them either.[22]

Drogon burns the Lannister-Tarly ranks.

Later, Daenerys, frustrated at her losses, takes Drogon (along with a massive Dothraki horde) to the Accomplish in a surprise attack on the Lannister forces. The Lannisters are completely unprepared for a combined assault from Dothraki cavalry and dragonfire and are quickly overpowered. At Daenerys'due south command, Drogon breathes a massive torrent of burn down directly through the Lannister ranks from front end to dorsum. The Lannister archers endeavor to shoot Daenerys off his back, but he banks up, and the arrows bounce harmlessly off his armored underside.

Drogon destroys Qyburn's scorpion.

Suddenly, a massive scorpion commodities whizzes past Drogon, startling Daenerys. She looks down to see the scorpion itself, as Bronn reloads information technology. Drogon sees it too, and charges across the battleground, but Bronn fires a second bolt directly into Drogon's shoulder. With a screech of agony, he plummets towards the ground in freefall, with Daenerys struggling to concur on. However, although the commodities previously punched through a dragon skull, this time, being fired upwards and from a larger altitude, it only manages to inflict a flesh wound on its target; Drogon manages to pull himself together before hitting the footing. He hovers in the air right in front end of Bronn, who leaps out of the style as the enraged dragon incinerates the scorpion with his burn down. He then lands on the battleground and roars, smashing the remains of the railroad vehicle that had the scorpion with a powerful swipe of his tail.

Daenerys attempts to remove the commodities from Drogon.

Daenerys and then dismounts and attempts to remove the scorpion commodities embedded in Drogon's shoulder. Despite beingness a superficial wound, Drogon howls in pain and fury as his mother tries to pull out the bolt. Suddenly, Daenerys sees Jaime charging towards her with a spear in his hand, hoping to kill her and so and there. Unfortunately for Jaime, Drogon sees him too; shielding Daenerys behind his head, he breathes burn at the charging Jaime, who is saved from certain death when Bronn tackles him off his equus caballus and into the river.[23]

In the aftermath of the battle, Drogon rests on a small hill looking over the surviving Lannister and Tarly soldiers brought earlier his mother. Daenerys offers the remaining men a choice: kneel or die. When about of them turn down, Drogon (equally if bellyaching past this) roars, frightening many more into angle the knee. Later on Randyll Tarly and his son Dickon choose expiry over following Daenerys, Drogon burns them alive, causing the residual of the surviving soldiers to instantly kneel in fear.

Drogon lets Jon close enough to pet him.

Daenerys returns to Dragonstone while riding Drogon. Jon watches as they country and remains stoic, even after Drogon roars. Sensing something in Jon (his Targaryen ancestry), Drogon allows the Rex in the North to get close enough to pet him; much to Daenerys'due south surprise. Later Daenerys dismounts him, Drogon joins his brothers in the skies above Dragonstone. Daenerys remarks how beautiful they are, and though Jon admits that's not the give-and-take he'd use, but upon seeing her look, concedes they're "gorgeous beasts," Daenerys is quick to remind him they are her children.[24]

Drogon and his brothers burn the Army of the Dead.

Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion accompany Daenerys to rescue Jon Snow and company across the Wall, burning many wights in the process. As Daenerys lands Drogon on the small isle were Jon and his company have taken refuge, Viserion is struck in the neck by an icy javelin, courtesy of the Night Rex, and is brought down, crashing through the frozen lake. Drogon and Rhaegal cry out for their dying brother but tin do nothing to help him. Jon is then left behind as Drogon takes to the air, narrowly avoiding a 2nd ice spear from the Night King.[25]

When Daenerys goes to parley with the Lannisters in King's Landing, she rides Drogon to the Dragonpit in a prove of force.[26]

Flavor 8

Drogon and Rhaegal centre Jon and Daenerys.

Drogon flies with his female parent's army to Winterfell. He and Rhaegal pass over the Winter town and the castle, shocking and amazing the Northerners. Drogon is affected past the North's farthermost cold and is not eating as much as he normally would. Daenerys takes him for a flight, possibly as a way to requite him exercise and shake off the common cold. While Drogon carries Daenerys, his brother Rhaegal carries Jon Snowfall. When they stop at a waterfall, Drogon glares at Jon, showing his discontent with Jon'south angel towards his mother.[27]

Drogon attempts to impale the Night Rex in the Boxing of Winterfell.

Drogon fights in the Battle of Winterfell. Together with Jon Snow and Rhaegal, he burns endless wights before engaging the Night King on top of Viserion. The iii brothers fight ferociously before Drogon, on Daenerys' command, rams Viserion, knocking the Night Rex several feet to the ground.

As Jon runs towards Winterfell, Daenerys gets distracted past her feelings for Jon's safety and fails to detect the wights swarming Drogon. They frantically outset stabbing the dragon, with him roaring in hurting and rage. In a panic, he knocks Daenerys off his back and takes to the air, trying to shake off the attackers from his back, leaving Daenerys and Ser Jorah lonely with the horde of the dead.

After the battle, Drogon returns to where he left Daenerys. Wounded and exhausted, he comforts his mother as she mourns the death of Ser Jorah.[28]

Drogon returns to Dragonstone.

Drogon and Rhaegal soar in the skies above Winterfell, though the latter struggles slightly due to his wing being injured from his fight with Viserion. The Targaryen forces then canvas dorsum to Dragonstone, with Daenerys and her dragons flying overhead. Euron Greyjoy'south Iron Fleet ambushes them and shoots Rhaegal outset with massive scorpions mounted on the ships, fatally striking him multiple times and causing the dragon to blast into the Blackwater Bay and sink. With the death of Rhaegal, Drogon is at present the final living dragon in the earth.

Daenerys charges Drogon at the Iron Fleet.

Enraged by the death of Rhaegal, Daenerys tries to avenge him by having Drogon burn Euron'southward fleet, but they are forced to retreat subsequently narrowly avoiding being hit by some other volley. With the Targaryen fleet denied the support of the dragons, Euron turns his scorpions towards them and sinks the fleet. Drogon is afterward present when Daenerys and her forces arrive at the gates of King's Landing to bargain for Missandei, but keeps his distance due to the scorpions along the city wall.[29]

Drogon flight over King's Landing.

After returning to Dragonstone, Drogon burns Varys on his mother's orders for treason. During the Battle of King's Landing, he uses his tremendous speed and the blinding sunlight to his full advantage, utterly annihilating the Fe Fleet with his dragonfire. He so destroys the urban center gates to let her regular army into the city. After destroying the scorpions on the metropolis walls, Daenerys uses him to burn most of the city even after information technology surrenders, massacring almost of its civilians, surrendered Lannister forces, and the Red Keep, killing and displacing Queen Cersei Lannister in the procedure.[30]

Drogon lets out cries of grief over his mother's death.

After the boxing is over, Drogon lands on the remains of the Ruddy Keep, and observes his mother's vow to further "liberate" the unabridged world via the same means used on Rex'due south Landing. Later, he'south seen resting next to the ruins of the Red Keep, and is roused when Jon approaches him, though the dragon allows Jon to laissez passer. Later an anguished Jon assassinates Daenerys to save the people of Westeros, Drogon senses his mother in peril and flies up to the throne room to find Jon holding a lifeless Daenerys in his arms while weeping. Drogon approaches his mother, nudging her in vain a couple of times to no avail. Once he realizes she is dead, Drogon roars in grief.

Drogon destroys the Fe Throne.

Enraged, he faces Jon, who prepares for death via Drogon's flames, but Drogon instead turns to the Atomic number 26 Throne, the symbol and origin of the Dragon Queen's obsession. Equally Balerion's fire forged the Fe Throne, Drogon's fire melts it away into null, bringing a permanent end to the struggles for it that have plagued Westeros for 300 years, and in a style, fulfilling his mother's goal to break the bike. With nothing left for him in Westeros, Drogon then gently picks Daenerys up in his talons and flies away across the Narrow Sea.

Weeks afterward at a small council coming together, Bran Stark, the newly elected Rex of Westeros, inquires the whereabouts of Drogon, to which Samwell Tarly answers that he was last seen headed east toward Volantis. Bronn interrupts and quips, "The further away the improve." Bran proposes that he look for the dragon himself.[31]

Personality and traits

Close up of Drogon'due south eye.

Drogon is noticeably larger than Rhaegal and Viserion. Initially the luck of the draw in terms of biology, Drogon became even larger than them, as they spend over a twelvemonth chained beneath Meereen while Drogon remained complimentary to hunt and wing at his leisure. Most of his scales are black, shadowing crimson ones that run down his back and neck. His wings and frills are blackness-red mix, downwards to the wing-basic which are black. His eyes are orange-ruby-red. Drogon has grown considerably over the grade of seven years, from the size of a kitten to the size of a large whale.

Being a dragon, Drogon has an immense physical strength and tin can spit subversive streams of fire. He can likewise fly extremely high and at smashing speeds, more whatever other brute. It is implied that physically, he is the strongest of the three dragons. During the Battle of Male monarch's Landing, Drogon's fire was shown to exist stiff enough to demolish the city buildings, including the Ruby Continue, and blasts the city gates.

Drogon is the least shy of the 3 dragons when it comes to interacting with humans, albeit for the worst. He is by far the most ambitious of the three, easily agitated and quick to anger, every bit seen when he is a juvenile and he snarled at a Yunkai Wise Master when he approached his mother. Similar his brothers, Drogon was trained past their female parent to understand the Loftier Valyrian commands, especially "Dracarys" (High Valyrian for dragonfire), which Daenerys uses to control him to exhale fire on her enemies. He is besides the first to react to orders and takes the initiative in confrontations, as seen when Daenerys ordered her dragons to burn Pyat Pree or when the Wise Master threatened her, he was the commencement to jump to his mother's defense. He often seeks his mother's amore, and is often seen existence caressed by her. However, even she isn't safe from his anger, every bit seen when he snarled at her without warning when she tried to defuse a conflict betwixt the three. That said, he is fiercely protective of his mother, and will fight viciously in order to defend her, ignoring wounds if needed, equally seen when he attacked the Sons of the Harpy in Daznak's Pit. Information technology appears that he can sense when Daenerys is in danger, and if he does, he volition rush to her aid. His larger size also makes him take a ascendant function among his siblings, shown in how easily he stole a lamb from Rhaegal and Viserion; they cease their squabble and instead squeal for him to share the lamb with them.

Despite his feral heed, he besides possesses a class of empathy, which is shown when he lies adjacent to Daenerys as the latter mourns the fallen Jorah Mormont later on the Battle of Winterfell. Drogon likewise cares profoundly for Rhaegal and Viserion, as he roars in ache when Viserion is killed past the Dark King, and furiously avenges Rhaegal's expiry during the Battle of Male monarch's Landing by destroying the Iron Fleet and all of the scorpions utilized by enemy forces.

When Drogon discovers his female parent'southward lifeless body, he is overcome by grief and anger, just does not damage her killer. Instead, he burns the Iron Throne with his fire until information technology is zilch but a puddle of molten slag, destroying the i object that is responsible for countless expiry and devastation over the past 300 years.

It remains a mystery why Drogon did not avenge Daenerys's death by killing Jon in return. Unremarkably, Drogon and his brothers would impale anyone who harmed or threatened to impairment their mother. Whatever the reason, the fact that Drogon spared Jon suggests that his mind isn't as bestial every bit 1 might think at beginning glance.


Game of Thrones: Season 1 appearances
Winter Is Coming The Kingsroad Lord Snow Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things The Wolf and the Lion
A Golden Crown You Win or Y'all Die The Pointy Finish Baelor Fire and Blood
Game of Thrones: Flavour two appearances
The North Remembers The Night Lands What Is Dead May Never Die Garden of Bones The Ghost of Harrenhal
The Erstwhile Gods and the New A Man Without Award The Prince of Winterfell Blackwater Valar Morghulis
Game of Thrones: Season 3 appearances
Valar Dohaeris Dark Wings, Nighttime Words Walk of Punishment And Now His Sentinel Is Concluded Kissed by Burn down
The Climb The Bear and the Maiden Fair 2d Sons The Rains of Castamere Mhysa
Game of Thrones: Flavour iv appearances
Two Swords The Lion and the Rose Billow of Chains Oathkeeper First of His Proper noun
The Laws of Gods and Men Mockingbird The Mountain and the Viper The Watchers on the Wall The Children
Game of Thrones: Season 5 appearances
The Wars to Come The House of Black and White High Sparrow Sons of the Harpy Kill the Boy
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken The Gift Hardhome The Dance of Dragons Mother's Mercy
Game of Thrones: Season vi appearances
The Red Adult female Domicile Oathbreaker Book of the Stranger The Door
Claret of My Blood The Broken Man No Ane Battle of the Bastards The Winds of Winter
Game of Thrones: Flavour seven appearances
Dragonstone Stormborn The Queen'due south Justice The Spoils of War
Eastwatch Beyond the Wall The Dragon and the Wolf


In the books

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Drogon is much the same. He is the largest and well-nigh aggressive of Daenerys'southward dragons.

In contrast to Rhaegal and Viserion, Daenerys never explicitly says (both in the books and the show) after whom she has named Drogon, but information technology is obvious - in memory of her recently deceased husband, Khal Drogo. In the TV series, Drogon's name is stated (in Valyrian) on-screen for the starting time time in the finale of Season 4 "The Children."

Balerion the Black Dread, the dragon of Aegon the Conquistador, was too colored black with cerise highlights. Generations afterward, shortly after Daenerys's dragons hatch, her bloodrider Aggo thinks Drogon resembles descriptions of Balerion then closely that he is actually a reincarnation of Balerion's spirit; Daenerys says it may be so, merely gives him a new proper name for his new life.

When Daenerys enters the Business firm of the Undying, Drogon accompanies her. Once inside, Drogon reacts to the visions that Daenerys has. When they come upon the Undying, Drogon defends Daenerys by attacking the pulsating heart that stands at the center of the room and spitting fire at the Undying, thereby slaying them; this is the first time that ane of Daenerys's dragons breathes fire. This allows Daenerys to escape the House and seems to have seriously damaged the structure itself.

In the third novel, Daenerys notices that Drogon is more developed than his brothers: he grows faster, is the commencement to fly higher up the water, first to flutter from ship to transport, the first to lose himself in a passing cloud, and the commencement to kill casualty. He is always hungry. At one occasion, Rhaegal tries to snatch a piece of meat from him but fails. Drogon too grows more violent than his brothers: he bites Irri's mitt when Daenerys is not effectually. Daenerys apologizes for that.

When the Wise Masters of Yunkai threaten Daenerys, she says "Dracarys" and Drogon burns Grazdan mo Eraz'south tokar, who soils his pants in fear. Daenerys taunts Grazdan for whining almost the tokar. Grazdan tells angrily, "These little lizards will not keep you prophylactic, I hope you. We will fill up the air with arrows if they come up within a league of Yunkai. Practice you retrieve information technology is and so hard to kill a dragon?" Daenerys answers nonchalantly, "Harder than to kill a slaver."

During the fifth novel, Daenerys is and then decorated ruling Meereen that she neglects the dragons. Like any wild brute that is left to grow without proper preparation, all iii grow vicious and unrestrained, peculiarly Drogon; first they prey on sheep and goats, causing meaning losses to shepherds. Only subsequently a little daughter is killed past Drogon does Daenerys realize the dragons pose a great danger to her subjects, and must be kept locked in a makeshift dragon pit, large enough to concur 500 men, inside the Nifty Pyramid.

Viserion and Rhaegal are defenseless and chained, but Drogon is tougher: three times her servants try to capture him, merely in vain. 40 of her bravest had risked themselves, almost all of them suffer burns, and four of them take died. On the night of the tertiary attempt, Drogon flies north across the Skahazadhan toward the alpine grasses of the Dothraki body of water, and does not return. His whereabouts are unknown for a long while. In that location are reports that he has been seen north of the river, in a higher place the grass of the Dothraki sea.

Drogon never returns to Dany at the Dandy Pyramid, and Tyrion doesn't definitely see him on the style to Meereen—however, he does glimpse a flying fauna with leathery wings, who may well be Drogon, in the same chapter that is beingness adapted in the scene which unambiguously includes him in the Tv set serial.

Drogon does not come up to Daznak's Pit in the books to save Daenerys; he is fatigued to the Pit by the aroma of claret and fresh meat from the recent of the gladiatorial battles (some involving animals), that results in the death of a pit fighter named Barsena Blackhair. Daenerys is amazed to see how much he has grown while being away: his wings stretch twenty feet from tip to tip and make sounds like a handclapping of thunder.

Many of the spectators flee, but an animal handler named Harghaz takes it on himself to be a hero. Daenerys thinks that maybe he is drunk, or mad; perhaps he has loved Barsena Blackhair from afar, or has heard some whisper of the girl that Drogon killed; perchance he is simply some common human being who wants bards to sing of him. Whatsoever his motive is, he leaps onto Drogon'southward dorsum and drives his iron spearpoint down at the base of the dragon'due south long scaled cervix. Daenerys and Drogon scream as one. Equally Harghaz tries to drive the spear deeper, Drogon throws him off his back, then wrenches his forearm.

Hizdahr yells to the other spearmen "Impale the beast!" Daenerys cannot restrain herself, rushing to assistance Drogon. The spearmen run likewise, the brave ones in Drogon'due south direction and the wise ones abroad from him. Drogon spits burn at the spearmen, burning two of them to death; his tail breaks the pitmaster (who snuck up behind him) into two pieces; some other assaulter stabs at his eyes, until the dragon catch him in his jaws and tears his belly out. Daenerys approaches Drogon; he roars total in her face, his jiff hot enough to cicatrice skin. He bathes her in dragonfire, causing her to lose her pilus and clothing. On Daenerys'southward right, Ser Barristan Selmy tries to draw Drogon'south attention to him. Daenerys grabs the dead pitmaster'south whip and hits Drogon repeatedly, till he obeys her. She jumps on his dorsum, pulls the spear from his neck, and they fly abroad.

Two hundred and xiv people have been killed in the loonshit, either by Drogon or trampled to expiry in the commotion, and three times as many have been burned or wounded. Drogon has gone from the city by then, last seen loftier over the Skahazadhan, flying due north.

Drogon takes Daenerys to his lair in the Dothraki body of water. He allows Daenerys to ride on his back, simply not to turn him to the management she wants. Daenerys knows that the dragonlords of old Valyria had controlled their mounts with bounden spells and sorcerous horns, but she has none; Drogon is then strong that her whip just annoys him rather than injure him. Wandering about, they spot a herd of horses. The riders abscond, and Drogon catches 1 horse. He and Daenerys share it, when she suddenly hears approaching horses. She stands abreast her dragon, as Khal Jhaqo and fifty warriors encounter her.

Daenerys refers to her three dragons as "brothers", but there is actually no specific reason to recollect that their eggs were all laid past the aforementioned dragon, or if the iii eggs were even institute in the same place or gathered individually. She may phone call them "brothers" more in the figurative sense that they were raised together.

See besides

  • A Wiki of Ice and Fire favicon.PNG Drogon on A Wiki of Ice and Fire


  1. "The Children"
  2. "Winter Is Coming"
  3. "A Gilded Crown"
  4. "Fire and Blood"
  5. "The Due north Remembers"
  6. "The Ghost of Harrenhal"
  7. "The Old Gods and the New"
  8. "A Man Without Honor"
  9. "Two Swords"
  10. "The Laws of Gods and Men"
  11. "The Children"
  12. "The Wars to Come"
  13. "The Business firm of Blackness and White"
  14. "Kill the Boy"
  15. "The Dance of Dragons"
  16. "Mother's Mercy"
  17. "Blood of My Claret"
  18. "No One"
  19. "Battle of the Bastards"
  20. "The Winds of Wintertime"
  21. "Dragonstone"
  22. "The Queen'south Justice"
  23. "The Spoils of War"
  24. "Eastwatch"
  25. "Beyond the Wall"
  26. "The Dragon and the Wolf"
  27. "Winterfell"
  28. "The Long Night"
  29. "The Concluding of the Starks"
  30. "The Bells"
  31. "The Atomic number 26 Throne"


Source: https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Drogon

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