Blizzard Hopes Faster WoW Expansions Will Halt Sliding Subscriptions


Blizzard wants to speed up the development of future Domain of Warcraft expansions systematic to satisfy players who are blowing through and through the game and and then moving on to other things faster than ever before.

Blizzard Chair Mike Morhaime revealed during the Activision Rash financial results conference call yesterday that World of Warcraft subscriptions had "returned to pre-Cataclysm numbers in the West," sliding from more than 12 million subs in October 2010 to 11.4 million currently. And although pretty overmuch all MMO publisher happening the satellite would kill to have 11.4 million subscribers, it's allay a going of 600,000 players and that's nix to sneeze at.

Part of the problem, Morhaime said, is that years of go through have made players better at tearing through WoW content, after which they mosey along to strange games because in that respect's nothing left to hold their interest. The solution? Sir Thomas More novel content at a faster pace.

"We need to be faster at delivering content to players," Morhaime said. "And soh that's one of the reasons that we're looking to decrease the quantity of time in between expansions."

"What we throw seen so far is that people have been overwhelming this capacity very quickly, then the subscriber levels have cut [following the release of Cataclysm] quicker than in previous expansions," he added.

Snowstorm's notoriously long development cycles are balanced by the fact that virtually everything it releases is mind-blowingly impressive, so the obvious concern is that rushing things bequeath lead to either less content or lower quality. At this point, however, Morhaime aforesaid Blizzard International Relations and Security Network't ready to get into the details about future expansions, merely that it is "look at ways to speed heavenward the growth process."

Sources: Gamasutra, Kotaku


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